12,998 research outputs found

    Exploring (anti-) counterfeiting management: Conceptual foundations and empirical examination

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    Die Forschungsfragen wurden in neun einzelnen Beiträgen untersucht. Der Forschungsfrage 1 („Marken- und Produktpiraterie“) wurde in zwei Beiträgen nachgegangen. Beitrag 1 stellt die relevanten Dimensionen der Betrachtung von Fälschungen dar. In Beitrag 2 erfolgt eine umfassende Auseinandersetzung mit den definitorischen Grundlagen, den Gründen für die Zunahme der Fälschungen sowie den daraus entstehenden Schäden zur Abgrenzung, Systematisierung und Bewertung der Thematik. Die Forschungsfragen 2 („Schutzmanagement“, ACM) und 3 („Fälschungsmanagement“, CM) werden sowohl mit konzeptionellen als auch qualitativ und quantitativ empirischen Beiträgen bearbeitet. Zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage 2 enthält die kumulative Dissertation vier Beiträge. In Beitrag 3 werden Grundlagen und Inhalte eines unternehmerischen Schutzsystems erarbeitet. Beitrag 4 komplettiert dieses Thema durch eine umfangreiche Analyse relevanter Schutzinstrumente. Die Erklärungsinhalte des ressourcen- bzw. kompetenzbasierten Ansatzes zur Ableitung einer prozessorientierten Sichtweise auf ACM beinhaltet Beitrag 5. Mittels einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse wird das Wissen aus Experteninterviews analysiert und ein Konstrukt zur Ableitung der unternehmerischen Schutzkompetenz vorgestellt. In Beitrag 6 erfolgen die Verfeinerung des Modells und die finale Untersuchung von ACM auf Basis eines konfigurationsorientierten Mixed-Methods Ansatzes zur inhalts- sowie cluster- und varianzanalytischen Bestimmung von Schützerklassen und -konfigurationen. Wichtige Elemente sind Kompetenzen, die verfolgten Strategien bzw. eingesetzten Instrumenten sowie die Evaluierung des Erfolgs auf Grundlage von Fragebogendaten. Zur Behandlung von Forschungsfrage 3 sind drei Beiträge er¬stellt worden. Beitrag 7 beschäftigt sich mit dem bisher stark vernachlässigten Bereich CM. In diesem wird zur Annäherung an die Thematik der aktuelle Stand der Forschung zu Fälschertypen, relevanten Strategien sowie taktischen Maßnahmen aufgearbeitet und mit Expertenwissen angereichert. In Beitrag 8 erfolgen eine managementorientierte Aufbereitung der Fälscherthematik und eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse zur Identifikation von Strategien und Instrumenten. Darüber hinaus wird eine kompetenzbasierte Methodik zur Bewertung von Fälschern erarbeitet. Beitrag 9 schließt die Untersuchung der Fälscherseite analog zu Beitrag 6 ab

    Fast quantitative diffusion-tensor imaging of cerebral white matter from the neonatal period to adolescence

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    We investigated the isotropic diffusion coefficient (D') and fractional anisotropy (FA) in white matter (WM) during brain development, using an optimised diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI) method with whole brain coverage in a clinically acceptable time. We images 52children with no evident neurological abnormality (30boys, 22girls aged 1day-16years) using high-angle DTI with optimised temporal gradient performance. D' and FA were calculated in 10regions of interest in white matter. We saw that the age-related reduction in D' and increase in FA follow a mono- or biexponential model in white matter, probably depending on the compactness and myelination rate of the fibre tracts. In contrast to other areas, in which adult values were reached during the third year, there is a trend to continuous increase in FA in all deep white-matter areas, suggesting continuing maturation and organisation of deep tracts not detected on conventional MR

    Jahn-Teller Distortion and Ferromagnetism in the Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors GaN:Mn

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    Using first-principles total-energy methods, we investigate Jahn-Teller distortions in III-V dilute magnetic semiconductors, GaAs:Mn and GaN:Mn in the cubic zinc blende structure. The results for an isolated Mn impurity on a Ga site show that there is no appreciable effect in GaAs, whereas, in GaN there is a Jahn-Teller effect in which the symmetry around the impurity changes from Td_{d} to D2d_{2d} or to C2v_{2v}. The large effect in GaN occurs because of the localized d4^4 character, which is further enhanced by the distortion. The lower symmetry should be detectable experimentally in cubic GaN with low Mn concentration, and should be affected by charge compensation (reductions of holes and conversion of Mn ions to d5^5 with no Jahn-Teller effect). Jahn-Teller effect is greatly reduced because the symmetry at each Mn site is lowered due to the Mn-Mn interaction. The tendency toward ferromagnetism is found to be stronger in GaN:Mn than in GaAs:Mn and to be only slightly reduced by charge compensation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of static electric fields on an optical ion trap

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    We recently reported on a proof-of-principle experiment demonstrating optical trapping of an ion in a single-beam dipole trap superimposed by a static electric potential [Nat. Photonics 4, 772--775 (2010)]. Here, we first discuss the experimental procedures focussing on the influence and consequences of the static electric potential. These potentials can easily prevent successful optical trapping, if their configuration is not chosen carefully. Afterwards, we analyse the dipole trap experiments with different analytic models, in which different approximations are applied. According to these models the experimental results agree with recoil heating as the relevant heating effect. In addition, a Monte-Carlo simulation has been developed to refine the analysis. It reveals a large impact of the static electric potential on the dipole trap experiments in general. While it supports the results of the analytic models for the parameters used in the experiments, the analytic models cease their validity for significantly different parameters. Finally, we propose technical improvements for future realizations of experiments with optically trapped ions.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figure

    Effective health care for older people resident in care homes: the optimal study protocol for realist review

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: Care homes in the UK rely on general practice for access to specialist medical and nursing care as well as referral to therapists and secondary care. Service delivery to care homes is highly variable in both quantity and quality. This variability is also evident in the commissioning and organisation of care home-specific services that range from the payment of incentives to general practitioners (GPs) to visit care homes, to the creation of care home specialist teams and outreach services run by geriatricians. No primary studies or systematic reviews have robustly evaluated the impact of these different approaches on organisation and resident-level outcomes. Our aim is to identify factors which may explain the perceived or demonstrated effectiveness of programmes to improve health-related outcomes in older people living in care homes. Methods/Design: A realist review approach will be used to develop a theoretical understanding of what works when, why and in what circumstances. Elements of service models of interest include those that focus on assessment and management of residents’ health, those that use strategies to encourage closer working between visiting health care providers and care home staff, and those that address system-wide issues about access to assessment and treatment. These will include studies on continence, dignity, and speech and language assessment as well as interventions to promote person centred dementia care, improve strength and mobility, and nutrition. The impact of these interventions and their different mechanisms will be considered in relation to five key outcomes: residents’ medication use, use of out of hours’ services, hospital admissions (including use of Accident and Emergency) and length of hospital stay, costs and user satisfaction. An iterative three-stage approach will be undertaken that is stakeholder-driven and optimises the knowledge and networks of the research team. Discussion: This realist review will explore why and for whom different approaches to providing health care to residents in care homes improves access to health care in the five areas of interest. It will inform commissioning decisions and be the basis for further research. This systematic review protocol is registered on the PROSPERO database reference number: CRD42014009112NIHR Health Services & Delivery Research Programme. Project number 11/1021/0

    Notostraca trackways in Permian playa environments of the Lodève basin (France)

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    Durante casi veinte años, el Dr Lapeyrie, cirujano en Lodève, ha reunido numerosos fósiles provenientes de la Formación del Salagou de la cuenca pérmica de Lodève. Los mismos incluyen insectos, notostráceos, plantas e icnofósiles. Entre los últimos, hay una multitud de pistas de artrópodos, muy bien preservadas, las cuales fueron recogidas en el techo de secuencias depositadas en alrededores de lagos tipo playa. Experimentos sobre locomoción de artrópodos efectuados con animales actuales sugieren que la mayoría de las pistas estudidas fueron producidas por Notostracos de los cuales se han encontrado algunos millares de restos (caparazónes, apéndices, cuerpos enteros) asignados a Triops cancriformis permiensis y Lepidurus occitaniacus. Todos estos rastros fueron producidos de forma subacuática y corresponden a diferentes eto-morfotipos conocidos en la literatura con el nombre de Acripes para las huellas de locomoción, de Rusophycus para las de descanso y excavación (posiciones horizontales, proclinales y opistoclinales) y de Cruziana para locomoción y excavación activa. Numerosas planchas fósiliferas permiten ver claramente el paso de una actividad a la otra. Esta situación fue registrada en una película con Lepidurus actuales. Se reconocieron los icnotaxones Acribes multiformis nov. isp, Rusophycus eutendorfensis, R. carbonarius, R. versans, R. minutus, R. furcosus, Cruziana problematica, C. pascens y, menos abundantemente, Scoyenia isp. También fueron encontradas numerosas pisadas, destacando la icnofacies Scoyenia, encontrándose solamente en los «overbank settings». Para la Formación del Salagou, éstos corresponden a llanuras de inundación/playas donde las zonas inundadas eran temporales y de poca profundidad, y en las que vivían Notostracos, Insectos, Aracnidos y Concostracos (= Spinicaudata + Laevicaudata), este último grupo conocido solamente por cuerpos-fósiles. Este ambiente de playa distal, desarrollado en un clima árido, ha perdurado durante una gran parte del Pérmico, posiblemente entre el Cisuraliense superior y el Lopingiense inferior

    Physical properties of interstellar filaments

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    We analyze the physical parameters of interstellar filaments that we describe by an idealized model of isothermal self-gravitating infinite cylinder in pressure equilibrium with the ambient medium. Their gravitational state is characterized by the ratio f_cyl of their mass line density to the maximum possible value for a cylinder in a vacuum. Equilibrium solutions exist only for f_cyl < 1. This ratio is used in providing analytical expressions for the central density, the radius, the profile of the column density, the column density through the cloud centre, and the fwhm. The dependence of the physical properties on external pressure and temperature is discussed and directly compared to the case of pressure-confined isothermal self-gravitating spheres. Comparison with recent observations of the fwhm and the central column density N_H(0) show good agreement and suggest a filament temperature of ~10 K and an external pressure p_ext/k in the range 1.5x10^4 K/cm^3 to 5x10^4 K/cm^3. Stability considerations indicate that interstellar filaments become increasingly gravitationally unstable with mass line ratio f_cyl approaching unity. For intermediate f_cyl>0.5 the instabilities should promote core formation through compression, with a separation of about five times the fwhm. We discuss the nature of filaments with high mass line densities and their relevance to gravitational fragmentation and star formation.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures accepted for publication (13/4/2012